Monday, September 30, 2019

Difficult for the reader to feel much affection for the protagonist Essay

It is difficult for the reader to feel much affection for the protagonist in Wolff’s memoir. Do you agree? This Boy’s Life, set in America in the 1950’s, is a compelling memoir by Tobias Wolff, whom recreates the frustrations and cruelties faced throughout his adolescence, as he fights for identity and self-respect. During this period of time, America underwent major changes in the political and economic spheres, which in turn were responsible for its social makeover. Society in this time was geared toward family; marriage and children being part of the national agenda. The 1950’s was also an age of male dominance, where even if women worked, their assumed proper place was at home. Throughout the memoir, the protagonist, young Jack Wolff, makes it difficult for the reader to feel much affection towards him, as his actions prove to be troublesome and unruly. However, as the memoir progresses, Jacks struggle reveal the reasons for his actions which sequentia lly shape his character, providing the readers with understanding and sympathy towards his inexorable situation. The fraudulent lies and deceitful ways of Jack can be frustrating upon the reader; though we come to realise that he does this in order to be accepted by the people around him. Jack also engages in fights and unfaithfully betrays his best friend Arthur, although it becomes evident that he only does this in order to gain Dwight’s approval of him. The lack of a real father figure in Jack’s life has a profound impact on him and his desperate attempt to develop his identity, which further supports the readers’ emotions of sympathy towards him. Jack lies relentlessly in order to escape the grim circumstances of his childhood. His life is fuelled with emotional neglect and verbal abuse; Dwight, his indignant step father, being the foremost cause. He desires of transforming himself into the person that he truly wants to be; an image he believes will help him to belong and to be happy. The lies he tells are a constant source of comfort for him, as he relies on them to pr ovide stability and hope in his otherwise unstable life. â€Å"I couldn’t help but try to introduce new versions of myself as my interests changed, and as other versions failed to persuade†, demonstrates an essential part of Jack’s character, as he lies in order to fit in. His identity would change with the different people he met, in order to meet their expectations of him and to obtain their acceptance. This greatly contributes to the sympathy felt for Jack, as he renders the reality that he finds so difficult to accept as a young boy. Among many other lies  throughout the memoir, Jack has the intention of creating a new identity for himself. â€Å"It was truth known only to me, but I believed in it more than I believed in the facts arrayed against it. I believed that in some sense not factually verifiable I was a straight-A student†. At this point, Jack takes his re-creation of identity to a new level. Jack is completely aware of what he is doing, although he does not stop. His incessant lies and then believing that they are the actual truth continuously reoccur throughout the memoir. This serves to show his insecurity of who he was, and his imprudent belief that he had the ability to become something better than what he was. Jacks fabricated attempts to re-create â€Å"new versions† of himself, reveal his instinctive lying nature, thus contributing to the annoyance the readers occasionally feel towards him. However, it becomes clear that Jack is confused; he wants to belong. This misperception, and yearn to fit in explicates why feelings of sympathy by the readers towards Jack are inevitable. Jack is forced to live with his violent stepfather Dwight. Dwight cruelly exercises authority over Jack, in order to create a sense of dominance over him â€Å"Dwight would dump a pile of nuts on the floor of the utility room and put me to work with a knife and pair of pliers until he judged that I’d done enough for the night†. Because of this, Jack is determined to prove to Dwight, himself and the reader that he is not the person Dwight defines him as. Jack is not hurt by Dwight’s accusations that he is a thief and liar because â€Å"I did not see myself that way†. However, when Dwight calls Jack a sissy, Jack thinks of Arthur, who is his best friend and the biggest â€Å"sissy† in school, and remembers how the word sparked the fight between him and Arthur. Dwight treated Jack differently for a few days; with certain deference – â€Å"Dwight took the calls and explained that the papers had been ruined in a fight, adding that his boy Jack hung a real shiner on the Gayle kid.† This was the only time he expressed a genuine interest in Jack that bordered on admiration, rather than disgust. Dwight was always associated with hatred and negativity, but because of this certain deference after he fought, Jack felt a certain connection to him as a father figure. He felt as though he finally impressed Dwight, and even felt loved because of Dwight’s respect towards him. This discloses that Dwight’s actions had significant influence over Jack, as he continued to engage in these violent fights, in order to demonstrate his m asculinity to  Dwight. Jacks violent nature is driven by his belief that he has to prove his masculinity to Dwight. This attests annoyance within the reader; as Jack claims he â€Å"defined myself in opposition to him†, he ironically shares the traits of Dwight, such as violence and his desire to be regarded as powerful and masculine. However, Dwight’s deference towards Jack after he fought contrastingly draws sympathy for Jack from the readers, as it reveals his desire to belong; his desire to be loved. Jack’s friendship with Arthur plays a significant role in the re-creation of his identity. Arthur was recognised as a â€Å"notorious sissy†, and because of this Jack worried of the social implications it would consequently have on him by being friends with Arthur. â€Å"To put myself in the clear I habitually mocked Arthur, always behind his back, imitating his speech and way of walking, even betraying his secrets†, demonstrates Jacks desperation to acquire acceptance fr om others, even if it meant denying a part of himself- a friendship- that actually made him happy at times â€Å"but I had withheld my friendship, because I was afraid of what it would cost me†. Jacks betrayal of Arthur imparts anger in the reader, as he attempts to impress people who are not his real friends. However his confused identity and lack of self-confidence justify his disloyal actions, particularly because of the circumstances he was faced with at such a young age. Parental neglect plays an important role throughout the memoir. This is first evident in the text when Jack says â€Å"after all, he was in Connecticut and we were in Utah†, signifying the substantial physical and emotional distance between his birth father and himself. Fathers play an important role in their child’s upbringing and development. Due to this lacking in Jacks life, the responsibilities of growing up prove to be difficult for him, evident through his confused identity and troublesome ways. Furthermore, Rosemary’s ex-husband Roy plays a significant role in shaping the way Jack thinks and reasons, particularly from such a young and susceptible age. â€Å"I thought Roy wa s what a man should be†, reveals Jack’s naivety at such a young age; as Roy, abusive and indignant, was in fact the complete opposite of â€Å"what a man should be†. Wolff is once again faced with a man, Dwight, who abuses him and sets a terrible example for him. His violent nature plays a major part in Jack’s development, which ultimately forms his identity. Dwight’s actions have such an influence that â€Å"Jack† writes about Dwight’s voice being ever-present in  his head and own voice, even as an adult; even as a father. â€Å"I hear his voice in my own when I speak to my children in anger†. The sympathy felt by the readers for Jack is inevitable, as his brutal childhood is left with him for the rest of his life. Although Jack makes it difficult for the reader to feel much affection towards him on some occasions, the abusive, neglectful and violent experiences he is confronted with at such a young and vulnerable age conveys a sense of understanding, which in turn rouse feelings of sympathy towards young Wolff. Jack lies constantly; whenever he is presented with the opportunity to. This frustrates the reader is some instances. Generally though, reasons for this are understandable, such as his confused identity due to the violent and emotionally unstable life he lives. The violent fights he associates himself with, and the betrayal of his â€Å"best-friend† Arthur, leave the readers in a position to question whether his motives can be justifiable. However, these fights and betrayal are a reflection of his desire to be accepted by others, and the masculine, powerful man Dwight’s expects him to be. The lack of a real father figure largely affects Jack and all aspects of his character, from his deceitful ways, to his violent involvement in fights. Because of this, compassion and sympathy prevails over the occasional frustration felt towards Jack by the readers. In supposition, Jack is a helpless child seeking a happy life; an identity he is truly happy with.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


After World War II there was a brief interlude when the United States led governments and peoples throughout the world in the belief that a new era of peace, disarmament, and the rule of law could emerge through working together in the United Nations. The cold war soon blighted that vision, and the world was frozen for forty years in the balance of nuclear terror. The end of the cold war and the demise of the Soviet Union caught most people by surprise, and they were followed by a brief period of euphoria in which optimistic notions circulated, many of them inspired by the apparent success of the first Gulf War.Among them were President George H. W. Bush's â€Å"new world order,† Madeleine Albright â€Å"assertive multilateral,† and a short-lived but widespread belief that the UN had at last come into its own. The century ended in general disillusionment over he prevailing disorder and violence. The events of September 1 1, 2001, and the reaction of the administration o f President George W. Bush have so far dominated the twenty-first century discussion of world order. Restart's statement reflects the concerns of this course.The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon over a decade ago, on September 1 1, 2001, brought into sharp relief a new configuration of world power and opposition. After the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, there had been much talk of a New World Order, emphasizing globalization, a ingle model of export-oriented economic development, liberalizing, human rights, democracy, and a global war on terrorism. Notions of a New World Order typically did not incorporate possible sources of opposition, or, when they did, it was with apocalyptic ideas like â€Å"the clash of civilizations. Some theories assumed that the dominance of the new order meant an â€Å"end to history,† that is, an end to the struggles between major powers and systems of thought that had marked international relations historically. September 1 1 demonstrated that we have not reached the end of history or a world without struggle, but it also demonstrated that imply dividing the world into clashing civilizations misses the new global configuration of power and opposition.The post-WI 1 world has been marked by a single superpower, the United States, which played an aggressive military role globally (especially after its invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 and, now, through drone warfare in multiple countries). It also has taken on outsized political and economic roles in the world. The post 9/1 1 world has also seen the emergence of key non-state actors, including ethnic groups, al-Qaeda, and many more. Since 2011, a key region, the Middle East and North Africa, has seen unprecedented popular uprisings, with citizens expressing pent-up anger against authoritarian regimes.The sass have been a period described by the word â€Å"globalization† but rife with powerful forms of localism. The purpo se of this course is pulls. With that goal in mind, the course first will analyze the earlier configuration of power that marked the second half of the twentieth century, how and why it crumbled, and how its disintegration laid the foundation for today. The main emphasis is on the creation of global economic interdependence in the twentieth century in a world politically divided.The interdisciplinary approach of the course stresses the interplay between two global structures, the world market and the hierarchy of states, and how the interplay of these structures has generated rules governing international life, â€Å"winners,† who have gained from these rules, and â€Å"losers,† who have felt the rules slighted them. In the latter part of the course, we will look at the structure of the world political-economy in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the role of imperial America, and events in the Middle East, including the recent popular uprisings and civil st rife.Requirements of the Course and Assignments: This course is designed to greatly improve students' critical-analytic reading abilities and their academic writing capabilities. To help students reach higher levels, the course requires substantial reading and writing throughout the term. Every student is expected to fulfill the following requirements: 1 . Readings. Students must read the assignments listed in the course schedule below prior to the Tuesday Section of the listed week (in Week One only, one reading will be due Tuesday and others, before the Thursday Section).The readings are presented somewhat differently from the methods used in many other classes. The assigned readings present the authors' own interpretations of how the twentieth century (or a part of it) unfolded. Their interpretations are important. As the course is interdisciplinary, the book authors include an economist, Stilling, who is a Nobel Prize winner; a leading political scientist at Harvard, Friend; an award-wining international historian from Columbia, Manager; and a noted historian of the Middle East, Kelvin. Interpretations in the assigned books often clash with those given in lecture, and they may contradict each other.In other words, students will have to make their way through conflicting stories f the making of the 21st century. Because the authors' interpretations are given as the authors presented them from beginning to end, they frequently do not line up chronologically or topically with the week-by-week class lectures. But students are challenged to compare and contrast over the course of the quarter the various narratives they hear in lecture and read in the books. Besides the books, there are some other additional secondary readings required. Additionally, the assigned documents will help students learn to read primary sources.The readings will be discussed by students and Task in weekly Sections. Students are required to bring to section the books being discussed, as well as printouts of ALL additional required documents and readings assigned for the week. 2. Short Papers. Each student will write three short essays of approximately 1-1/2 double-spaced, typewritten pages (12 point New Times Roman type, one-inch margins). The first paper will be on a reading assigned in Week Two, Francis Fauvism, â€Å"The End of History. † Part of the class session on Friday, January 17, will be on writing this paper.It is imperative, therefore, to read the Fauvism article carefully before the January 17 class session. The paper is due in section on Tuesday, January 22. The second and third papers can be on any readings to help you make your point. A presentation of opposing points of view and making a comparison of two works can lead you to good paper topics. In short, students are encouraged to compare and contrast different authors' ideas, even as the main focus is on a single reading. ) Papers may comment on how the author uses words, the construction of the argument, types of evidence, methods, etc.What the paper should NOT do is write about the topic of the reading; rather it should write on owe the reading treats or approaches its topic. For example, you would not want to write on the Cold War but on how Manager approaches the topic of the Cold War. The essay is to be submitted in person at the Tuesday Section meeting on the week the student chooses during weeks 2-9 of the quarter, as long as the paper is on the reading assigned for that week; no late submissions will be accepted and no papers will be accepted in which the student is not in attendance in the section. 3. New York Times. Every student must read the New York Times daily. . Research Paper. Each student will complete a research paper?typed, double- spaced, 12 point New Times Roman type, one-inch margins?on a country of his or her choice and approved by the TA. Each paper will focus on a topic that falls in the period from World War II to the present. The aim is NO T to write on current events but on events or trends in the past that can help give essential background for understanding today's news. Library research using scholarly books and Journals (not newspaper articles) will be the backbone of the assignment (at least three journal articles and two books should be used heavily in the research).Each paper ill be organized around something puzzling in that country political, economic, or social experience at some time in the latter half of the twentieth century or the first few years of the present century. That puzzle will be expressed in a â€Å"why question,† which will be substantiated by qualitative or quantitative evidence. Students will develop an answer to that â€Å"why question,† which will be the argument of the paper, including further evidence to support that argument. A number of aids are available for researching and writing your papers.The most important is your TA. You also can receive help from SOUL reference librarians. The Jells/Political Science writing center http://depth. Washington. Du/surprise/index. HTML can be of great assistance. The Center is in Gown 111. Please note that the tutors in the Writing Center can help you with problems of organization, clarity, composition, and grammar only; they are not equipped to comment on the substantive content of your paper. You can also receive feedback on your paper ideas and substantive content at CLUE sessions.All papers must be written in MS Word, double-spaced, using Times Roman 12 point font. The due dates for the paper are as follows (late papers will be penalized): a. A 1-2 page research proposal with references. Librarians will be in class on January 10 and 17 helping you get started on your paper, explaining what is entailed in a research proposal, detailing the precise assignment, and offering practical lessons on undertaking the research. The research proposal is due in class on January 16. D. First draft (approve. 5-6 pages), due on February 6.Papers must be sent via email to your TA and members of your study group by 5:00 p. M. , February 6, for peer comments by other Study Group members. Members of the Study Group will provide Track function in MS Word. Members should provide general comments and inter- linear comments in the text itself. E. Second draft (approve. 6-8 pages), revised by incorporating the suggestions and criticisms of the Study Group members, due in TA mailbox in Thomson 411 on February 17 by 5:00 pm (the doors to the mailbox close at 5:00). F.Third and final draft (approximately 8-10 pages), revised and expanded by incorporating the suggestions and criticisms of the TA and Study Group members, due March 3, 5:00 pm, in Tat's mailbox, Thomson 411 (or you may give the paper to your TA in person after lecture on that day). 5. Quizzes. In place of a mid-term, there will be weekly quizzes in the course, mostly geared towards that weeks reading. The quizzes are motivational tools to help stud ents keep up with the reading. The quizzes will be available for you to take and submit on the course website each Monday, 5:00 pm to midnight. . Final Exam. The final exam, Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 2:30-4:20 pm, in our regular classroom, will include short and long essay questions and identifications. A series of long essay questions will be available before the exam, from which two questions will be selected to actually appear on the exam. Questions will include materials from lecture, readings, and the New York Times. There will also be a geography question (see below). Students may bring a single page of personal notes to the exam.All students must bring blue books to the exam. 7. Maps. Everyone must learn the basic political map of the world, as well as natural sites, such as bodies of water, that have been critical to international relations. There will be a map section on the final exam. Consult atlases and maps online regularly! 8. Study Groups. All students will participa te in Study Groups to be formed the first week during Section. Study Groups should meet face-to-face at least once a week to discuss readings, papers, and ideas. They are important sounding boards.Each Study Group will also set up an e-mail list, including all its members, as a way to communicate frequently about assignments, readings, and ideas presented in lecture. Final grades will be determined on the following basis: 2nd paper draft 10% Paper proposal 2% Peer review of others' papers 4% 3rd paper draft 25% Three response papers 21% (total) Pop quizzes 18% (total) Final exam 20% Participation in section is highly valued: the computed grade from the factors above will be adjusted up to 0. Grade points up or down on the 4. 0 scale based on participation in sections.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Harmonious Family Relationships Between Parent and Child Essay - 1

Harmonious Family Relationships Between Parent and Child - Essay Example To recover damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, a plaintiff must prove that: (1) the defendant acted intentionally or recklessly; (2) the conduct was extreme and outrageous; (3) the actions of the defendant caused the plaintiff emotional distress; and (4) the resulting emotional distress was severe. A Claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress cannot be maintained when the risk that emotional distress will result is merely incidental to the commission of some other tort; accordingly, claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress will not lie if emotional distress is not the intended or primary consequence of the defendant's conduct. Id. The tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress simply has no application when the actor intends to invade some other legally protected interest, even if emotional distress results. Restatement (Second) of Torts,  § 46. Actionable nuisance is divided into three classifications: negligent invasion of another's interests, intentional invasion of another's interests, and other conduct, culpable because abnormal and out of place in its surroundings, that invades another's interests. Personal integrity and includes not only physical invasion of a person's property but also eavesdropping upon private conversations by wiretapping, microphones or spying into windows of a home. Section 822, Restatement, Torts (1939), reads: â€Å"The actor is liable in an action for damages for a non-trespassory invasion of another's interest in the private use and enjoyment of land if, (a) the other has property rights and privileges in respect to the use or enjoyment interfered with.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Entertainment Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Entertainment Industry - Essay Example The art cinema motivates its narratives through being real and authoritative. It shows us the real location of events as well as the real issues that we face daily. In order to change the main character of the movies, it is good to choose a character that has specific goals, well stated and is object oriented. The art of cinema is not concerned with the actions of the characters; instead, they are concerned with the reaction that they will get from people who watch the film. A better way of restructuring the art cinema would be putting emphasis on actors. This makes them feel that the welfare and role they are doing is important not only to the viewers but also to the producers, therefore, ensuring a good working relationship in the production of a movie. In ending some of the stories stated, it would be possible to change them as follows; In the art film â€Å"L’ Avventura† where character by the name Anna is lost and not found, it would be more appropriate to change t he plot and end it in a way that maybe the body is found dead in unknown place or maybe show her happily living with an unknown person. This makes the viewer know what happened to her in the end. In â€Å"a bout de soufflà ©Ã¢â‚¬  was the reason for Patricia’s betrayal of Michel remains unknown, the plot could change in a manner that she writes and leaves a note explaining why she betrayed him. Such changes will make the viewer contended after watching the film since they are fully aware of what happened rather than leaving them in suspense.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Description of the Instructional Design Process Essay

Description of the Instructional Design Process - Essay Example Description of the Instructional Design Process Since both of us are from Saudi Arabia, our native language is Arabic. As such, we planned to teach the subject entitled "Arabic Alphabet", which we believe would be an interesting and illuminating learning area since the class is composed of different students from diverse cultural orientations: 50% American's and 50% foreign students. All are graduate students; as such the knowledge level considers the type of information that should be presented; the materials to be used; as well as the style and level of language to be applied. The relevant framework of the instructional design was presented by Dean (2002) through the presented diagram which itemized four needs assessment: (1) the skills of the educator/s; (2) the development of content knowledge; (3) the needs of the audience or the adult learners; and (4) the learning contexts (p. 3). To apply the model to the current project, the following information are noted and to be expounded in subsequent sections. Skills of Educators: T here is a manifested above average to exemplary skills and competencies in the command and proficiency of the Arabic language; as well as translating and teaching basic theoretical frameworks of the Arabic language to English, which is the second language of both educators. Detailed educational background, work experiences, as well as skills and competencies are discussed below.As the educators, both come from Saudi Arabia, where Arabic is the native language. ... Content Knowledge: Exemplary since Arabic is the native language to both educators. Needs of the Audience: Since 50% are Americans and 50% are foreign students, the subject promises to be an interesting and illuminating learning experience for all. The composition of gender and cultural/racial orientation of learners are detailed under learner needs and characteristics below. Learning Context: The instructional project is to be presented in the assigned classroom: 124 Davis Hall, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; which is the most appropriate and convenient setting to comply with the course requirement. Assessing and Developing the Adult Educators’ Skills As the educators, both come from Saudi Arabia, where Arabic is the native language. Ahmed Alzahrani has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Jeddah Teachers' College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She taught English for three (3) years in middle school. She has been in the United States pursuing her master’s degree le vel majoring in the MATESOL Program. On the other hand, Naif Alsayyali, is also an English language teacher. He taught in Middle School, the public school system in Altaif, Saudi Arabia. He has been teaching for nine years. From the educational background and work experience, it could be deemed that both educators are highly skilled and exemplary in the subject area, â€Å"Arabic Alphabet†. Not only do we possess excellent competencies in this topic; but likewise, as English language teachers, we are adept at translating the native language into English, as the secondary language, and an area of evident proficiency. Developing Content Knowledge As disclosed by Dean (2002), there are three essential components of content

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Essey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Essey - Essay Example The first and perhaps most attractive option that Grant could take would be to accept the positive of chief executive at the Japanese subsidiary. Mr. Hargreaves, the headhunter who had sounded out Grant for the position, was quick to present his offer when Manningham was taken over. Perhaps this is because he expected that Grant would lose his job, but that is not the case in this situation. The job is virtually his; all is has to do is hop on a plane to Tokyo and he would start work immediately. Grant’s wife Helen is of the view that he should not feel responsible for his employees. She also makes the point that he will only be used by Brett until all of CDI’s employees are in place; once this happens, Grant will get the boot. Helen is of the view that Grant should just view Manningham as one step in his career. If he stayed in his current position, then it could hurt the rest of his career, especially if he is fired a short time after the takeover. The second option that Grant could choose would be to stay in his current position at Manningham. This would be the safest option that Grant could take because he would have job security, or at least that is what was promised to him by Geoffrey Brett, the chairman of CDI. Since the takeover, Brett has shown nothing but respect to Grant, so there is no reason to suggest that his position would be under threat in the short term. From CDI’s point of view, Grant is the key to the takeover process going as planned because he has the loyalty of Manningham’s employees already. Grant feels that he cannot leave his employees in the lurch because they have developed mutual trust over the years. Because CDI’s employees would be moving into the workplace as well, Grant needs to be there to reassure his employees that their jobs will be safe. If he was to leave when he was needed most, then it is likely that CDI would relieve many Manningham employees of their position and r eplace them with their own

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

S Corporation vs. Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

S Corporation vs. Corporation - Essay Example Incorporating as either of these provides shareholders with a number of tax and non tax advantages, which are gained by any company that is incorporated in either of these categories. Focusing on the tax issue, there is the fact that corporations are able in certain situations to help one in reducing their tax obligations. In states where the corporate tax is lower than individual income tax, one can incorporate thereby paying the lower corporate tax. Being a corporation allows the corporation to write down losses that may result from start ups, thereby reducing the tax burden that they have to meet. Corporations are also able to avoid tax by retaining income earned. This will limit the tax burden of the shareholders as well as the corporation. Though there are regulations in place that set a limit to the amount that can be retained without accruing taxation. The flipside that may exist as far as taxation of corporations goes is that of the double taxation effect. This is where the c orporation gets to pay tax on its profit. The profit after tax that is then paid to shareholders as dividends is also taxed as income tax. This may be remedied if the corporation is recognized as an S corporation. The advantage of S corporations comes from the single taxation of the corporation’s income. ... This will therefore increase the overall tax obligation of the shareholders (Lederman, 2002). There are various justifications that can be provided to the management for the election of scuba view Inc. to be a corporation. There is reduced tax obligation on the shareholders due to the reduced payment of tax on income. This is because corporations enjoy various deductions that other entities may not. One case is any company related expense may be expensed thereby reducing the income before tax. Also the income tax rate for individuals currently rests at between 10% and 39.6%. This is comparable to the current corporate tax rate that is between 15% and 35% (Landes, 2013). There is evidence suggesting that the effective rate that has been paid by corporations in terms of corporate tax has been dropping and it is quoted as being 31.9% by the financial times (Demos, 2012). The move towards making Lost and found Corp. an S corporation has been informed by the need to limit shareholders tax burden. In making this corporation into a designation S one, means that the shareholders still enjoy the benefits of a corporation without the need for double taxation. Shareholders who have lower tax rates can utilize this new designation to cut the tax that they pay the federal government. This is because in being an S corporation the shareholders only get to pay income tax on the income that the corporation pays to the shareholders. There is also the possibility to reduce the tax liability by retaining most of the income of the corporation. This retained income will only get taxed when it reaches a certain limit. For an entity to be recognized as an S corporation there are certain criteria that it must meet. To begin with the corporation is only limited to seventy five

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research critique part 1 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research critique part 1 - Term Paper Example Several factors were assessed including alcohol, tobacco and obesity. There has been a rising occurrence of chronic illnesses across the globe. Even if there has been a decline in preventable deaths arising from respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, the occurrence of chronic illnesses linked with ageing and deteriorating risk factors for chronic illnesses. Smoking is the only risk factor that has been on the decline in the recent past. There was an increase in obese individuals from 19 percent to 25 percent between 1995 and 2005 (Harris and Lloyd, 2008). There was minimal change in levels of physical activity. The feeding habits have worsened over the years as individuals consumed fewer vegetables. This problem discussed in the paper is important as it affects most people in the population. The main aim of the paper was to look into the role of nursing in preventing the occurrence of chronic illnesses. It mainly focusses on the lifestyle that individuals have been leading that contributes to the increase in prevalence of chronic illnesses (Harris and Lloyd, 2008). Several remedies were proposed to deal with this problem such as establishing a system for referral services, evaluating the needs of the less fortunate members of society, health risk evaluation and alternatives to support interventions. In the course of the four years there have been changes in the role of primary care that have facilitated unity among community and health professionals’ interests. The paper addresses various research questions. First, what is the proof of effective nursing intervention to dealing with behavioral risk aspects? Second, how can the evidence for prevention of chronic illnesses be changed into practice? Finally, what inequities are present and the evidence for effective nursing interventions to deal with them? It is clear that the research problem and the purpose were related (Harris and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Play Medea Case Essay Example for Free

The Play Medea Case Essay In the play Medea, Euripides recognises the lack of gender equality of his time and comments on the patrichial nature of ancient Greek society. A feminist theme resonates in the play and has been developed through the characterisation of Medea and Jason. Medea, the female protagonist, is portrayed as powerful figure. Medea is spurned and aggrieved by a man but instead of accepting the situation submissively as she would have been expected to do, she asserts her own power. Furthermore, when King Creon decides to banish her, she doesnt hesitate to argue persuasively on her own behalf despite his position of power. She naturally assumes that she has the right to speak as a man might do. Medea recognizes the oppression of women in her society when she declares we women are the sorriest lot: first we must at great expenditure of money but a husband and even take on a master of our body. However, Medea herself denounces women by admitting that they were born useless for honest purposes suggesting that womans skills lie solely in the ability to exert their will by deceit and manipulation. Her deceptive nature is evident in the nature of the murder of Glauce by giving gifts laced with poison. Medea argues that although women have a deserved reputation for treachery, they only do so as the patriarchal society to which they belong deprives them of any other avenues of power. Yet Medeas response to masculine exploitation surpasses any reasonable measures by her horrific murder of her children. The audience is positioned to be shocked and unsympathetic towards her actions. Medeas actions are portrayed as hers alone not indicative of the natural behavior of women and Euripide s acknowledges that the social injustice experienced by Medea cannot absolve her personal accountability for her actions. In the play through his characterisation of Jason, Euripides mocks the mens supposed entitlement to authority and supremacy over women. Jason, the key male figure, from the onset of the play reveals himself to the audience to be a weak character, at odds with his reputation as a hero. His abandonment of his obedient wife, Medea, his greed-driven re-marriage and his inability to admit his own culpability in the drama that ensued, portrays him to the audience as vapid, vacuous man whose actions are fuelled almost entirely by self-interest. His constant emasculation of Jason by his depiction as a weak and flawed character makes him appear unsympathetic to the audience. Medea is a strong-willed and powerful individual whose personality traits would be stereotypically attributed to a male character whilst Jasons self-obsessed and treacherous ways would more often be linked to a female character. Through the depiction of Medea and Jason, Euripides makes the conjecture their characters are both highly flawed and so they should be condemned for their deeds rather than for the gender.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Streetcar Named Desire - Commentary Essay Example for Free

A Streetcar Named Desire Commentary Essay In the play, A Streetcar Named Desire, written by Tennessee Williams, Blanche the protagonist who is mentally fragile and depends on her sister’s help to overcome various adversities as her husband’s passing away and her paying many debts decides to move to New Orleans, where her sister lives. Throughout the play, Blanche, who is from a southern part called Laurel, strives to conform to society’s norms and attempts to ï ¬ nd a man to marry her; but she is incapable of feeling involved in the scenery and as a consequence of that, she loses her mentality at the end of the play. In this speciï ¬ c passage, Blanche returns from a date with the character Mitch who desires to marry her to please his ill mother. Through this particular scene, Williams initiates to develop the relationship between the aforementioned characters to reveal that their relationship depends merely on mutual beneï ¬ ts rather than feelings. In this particular scene, Williams establishes the codependent relationship between Mitch and Blanche, which is founded on mutual loneliness and the desire to be with anyone, to demonstrate that society employs pressure on each and every individual to conform to its norms. Initially, Williams assigns the elements of punctuation to highlight that the characters Blanche and Mitch are forced to have a relationship that only depends on the desire to be with anyone because of gender stereotypes that society puts forth. For instance, the playwright utilizes the element dash to demonstrate that Mitch and Blanche awkwardly hesitate to approach each other. Mitch states the line â€Å"Can I uh kiss you good-night?†, and Blanche states the line â€Å"The one that says the lady must entertain the gentleman or no dice!†. The dashes in these two quotes convey that both Mitch and Blanche appear to be hesitant and forced to be in this relationship. They tend to be indecisive about whether to ï ¬ nish their sentences or not. The characters’ uncertainty draws a conclusion that they feel irresolute about whether they should comply with gender stereotypes of society or not. Additionally, Williams supports the aforementioned claim by utilizing another element of punctuation called ellipsis. Blanche states the line â€Å"I liked the kiss very much. It was the other little familiarity that I felt obliged to discourage†. The utilization of ellipsis in this sentence once again proves that the characters constantly complete their sentences with hesitation and that they are uncomfortable talking to each other. Their constantly hesitating shown by these elements is due to the fact that in this particular setting, gender stereotypes are put forth by society which commands individuals to marry anyone to be regarded as â€Å"normal† by the others. Blanche and Mitch, who do not actually bear feelings for each other, choose each other to comply with these rules, but as a consequence of this situation, they appear to be forced to have this relationship in order to conform to gender stereotypes in society. Through the elements of punctuation, Williams remarks that Blanche and Mitch are forced to be together and that their co-dependent relationship is founded on the pressure that the norms of society exert. Furthermore, the playwright utilizes the elements of characterization to reveal that the relationship between Blanche and Mitch depends rather on the pressure exerted by society than on emotions. Williams depicts Blanche’s state in this scene through employing direct and indirect characterization which put forth the conclusion that Blanche feels compelled and exhausted to have her relationship with Mitch. For instance, the playwright employs direct characterization in the stage direction to depict that Blanche has â€Å"utter exhaustion† in her â€Å"voice and manner†. This direct characterization reveals that Blanche becomes disappointed in the quality of the date that she and Mitch return from. As a result of this disappointment, she reï ¬â€šects her exhaustion in her voice regarding that Mitch is not similar with the man whom she desires to have. Williams additionally utilizes direct characterization to regard Blanche’s personality as â€Å"neurasthenic†. This description conveys that Mitch’s manners aggravate her due to the fact that his manners are inadequate compared to those of the man whom Blanche desires. Hence, these examples of direct characterization prove that Blanche, who becomes dissatisï ¬ ed with Mitch’s qualities feels obliged and compelled to have a relationship with Mitch because the norms of society force her to marry anyone to be regarded as â€Å"normal†. Moreover, Williams employs indirect characterization to indicate that Blanche strives to conform to the norms of society through having a relationship with Mitch. For example, Blanche states the line â€Å"The one that says the lady must entertain the gentleman or no dice!†. Through this instance, the playwright highlights that women in society are regarded as â€Å"worthless† without conforming to gender stereotypes. Blanche states that if she does not â€Å"entertain† her â€Å"gentleman†, she will have â€Å"no dice†. The conclusion drawn from this point is that women in society cannot endure unless they satisfy their men. Hence, Blanche regards Mitch as her last option and conforms to gender stereotypes of society through having a relationship deprived of emotions. Through the elements of characterization, Williams conveys that Blanche and Mitch has an artiï ¬ cial relationship on behalf of complying with gender stereotypes of society. Subsequently, Williams accounts the elements of ï ¬ gurative language to mention that Blanche and Mitch are coerced to be in a co-dependent relationship because of the constraint that gender stereotypes of society apply. Williams implements the element of allusion to address the aforementioned message. For instance, Mitch bears, upside down, â€Å"a plaster statuette of Mae West†. In this example, the statuette of Mae West is an allusion to the sexual desire between the couple regarding that Mae West is known as a sex symbol. However, since Mitch carries the statuette â€Å"upside down†, this signiï ¬ es that there is something wrong with the sexual connection between Mitch and Blanche. Indeed, the statuette refers to the lack of sexual tension between the couple due the fact that their relationship depends only on a mutual beneï ¬ t which is to be accepted by society. The playwright employs the allusion of â€Å"Mae West† to illustrate that there is not any sexual desire between the couple regarding that their relationship does not harbor any emotion. In addition, the playwright employs the allusion of â€Å"the Seven Sisters† to remark Blanche’s loneliness. â€Å"The Seven Sisters, also referred as the Pleiades, were the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas. They became a group of stars.† Although Blanche has a sister, she is indeed mentally unsupported because of her sister’s lack of consideration. Being compared to the Seven Sisters, she adores â€Å"the Seven Sisters† for their unity, feels lonely and seeks to be with anyone to comply with the rules of society. Hence, she decides to rely on Mitch who is her last option. This allusion once again proves that Stella and Mitch build up an unnatural relationship deprived of feelings in order to conform to the norms of society. Williams implements the elements of ï ¬ gurative language to establish the relationship between Blanche and Mitch which merely depends on the desire to be with anyone and the pressure put forth by society. In summation, Tennessee Williams applies the elements punctuation, characterization and ï ¬ gurative language to develop the artiï ¬ cial relationship between Blanche and Mitch, which originates from the desire to be with anyone, in order to illustrate that society compels each and every individual to obey its norms. Through these elements, Williams eventually clariï ¬ es that this imitated relationship arises from the enforcement exerted by the gender stereotypes of society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Film Review Film Studies Essay

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Film Review Film Studies Essay Societys ideological constructs and attitudes towards minority groups are created and reinforced through media imagery. Although negative associations that maintain inequities with regard to race, gender and homophobia (Conner Bejoian, 2006) have been somewhat relieved, disability is still immersed in harmful connotations that restrict and inhibit the life of people with disabilities in our society. Disability has appeared frequently in recent films (Byrd Elliot, 1988), a reflection of societys interest in the subject. These films often misrepresent disability using stereotypes. These stereotypes reinforce negative and incorrect social perceptions of, and attitudes towards, disabled people (Safran, 2000). By studying these films we can begin to reshape the wrong and negative accepted ideas of disability in society. Film analysis can show students how the medium manipulates images which continue stereotypes and cause stigma (Livingstone, 2004). Film can be used to confront students with their prejudices (Chellew, 2000, p.26), challenging them to accept new ways of thinking realising that disability is a result of the social attitudes and expectations placed on certain people by society (Ellis, 2003; Meekosha, 2003). Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is a film by director Lasse Hallstrà ¶m about a young man looking after his developmentally disabled brother and his dysfunctional family in a small American town. This paper will critically examine this movie using Richard Dyers four senses of representation, as cited in Harnett (2000), as a framework. With a focus on the disabled character Arnie, the analysis will identify and discuss the ways the film reinforces limiting stereotypes about disability. Finally, the implications of the analysis for use in an educational setting to raise awareness of the representations identified will be discussed. Re-presentation, as the first sense of representation, refers to how television or other visual media re-present our society back to us (Dyer cited in Harnett, 2000). Through the use of artistic expression and technical elements neither true reality nor an entirely false account is portrayed. Dyer states that reality is always more extensive and complicated than any system of representation can comprehend (Titchkosky, 2003, p. 134). In societys media, the world is generally simplified or typically presented in a way that is most beneficial for the medium. The presence of disability in a film is often used for storytelling (Raynor and Hayward, 2009). In Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Arnies disability is constructed as an emphasis of the film. The film relies greatly on the dramatic power of the disability alone (p. 23) to move the narrative forward. The selection and focus of particular aspects of Arnies life and his disability are used to explain his actions and evoke reactions from the audience. For example, when his fear of jumping in the water is overcome, it creates a feel-good factor. Also, the focus on his inability to cope, generates a sense of pity from the audience such as in one particular scene when Gilbert leaves Arnie to get out of the bath by himself, only to discover him still in the bath, cold and shivering, in the morning. Dyers second sense of representation refers to the application of common stereotypes that have been recognised for characters with disabilities in film. These stereotypes create one dimensional characters with limited emotions, where the disability comes first and the person second, justifying differential treatment and segregation (Black, 2004). Some of the negative representations identified by Safran (2000) as stereotypical for disabled characters will now be applied to the character of Arnie. As mentioned above, the portrayal of Arnies character demands a feeling of pity from the audience. This stereotype communicates disability as a problem of social, physical and emotional confinement (Hayes Black, 2003, p.114). In Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Arnie has no friends and is restricted to the confines of the porch of his family home. Whenever he tries to escape (usually to the water tower), he is ultimately returned back to this position of subordination under the care of others, which is typical of this stereotype (Hayes Black, 2003). A most common stereotype depicted of disabled characters is that of a super-man (Safran, 2000) or supercrip (Harnett, 2000), where a disabled character overcomes massive odds to beat or succeed in defeating their disability to become normal. The character is often seen as a hero to have made such progress. Although Arnie does not reflect a hero status, his character is beating his disability by the very fact that he is still alive. In the opening scenes of the movie, Gilberts narration lets the audience know that doctors said wed be lucky if Arnie lived to be ten, well ten came and went (Matalon, Ohlsson, Teper Hallstrà ¶m, 1993), implying Arnies triumph over tragedy. He defies death that would be otherwise be brought about by his disability. Although not a thematic stereotype reinforced throughout this whole film, it is typical of a disabled character to be represented as a victim or object of violence (Safran, 2000). At the climax of the film, Gilberts overwhelming frustration and anger of his life situation overflows into a violent episode directed at Arnie. On occasions throughout the film, Arnie is portrayed as an innocent a victim or object of violence from his younger sister and, in this rare case mentioned above, from his brother Gilbert. Another stereotype of disability presented, albeit only slightly, however still present, is that of being laughable (Safran, 2000) or the disability creating an atmosphere of curiosity that is aroused by differentness. This stereotype is usually more prevalent in comics, horror movies or science fiction films and related to physical impairments, which often portray disabled characters as freaks and exotic creatures (Smith, 1999). However, in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, its Arnies unusual actions within the community that attracts attention. When he is perched high up on the water tower ladder, it becomes a fascination to many onlookers, who crowd below the tower to observe the spectacle with curiosity, as Smith (1999) puts it, his abnormal behaviour is exploited as it would a carnival sideshow (p. 42). The most prevalent stereotype of a disabled character represented in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is the stereotype of a burden. This representation is the major narrative driving force. In the opening scenes, referring to Arnie, Gilbert quotes some days you want him live, some days you dont (Matalon, Ohlsson, Teper Hallstrà ¶m, 1993), reflecting the huge burden that is placed on the Grape family, particularly Gilbert, to care for his disabled brother. The burden of Arnie is also extended to the community, where the local police have to continuously retrieve Arnie from the ladder of the towns water tower. Dyers third sense of representation of refers to the representation of who is speaking for whom (Harnett, 2000). Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is written by an able-bodied writer, directed by an able-bodied director and has a disabled character acted by, Leonardo Di Caprio, an able-bodied actor. On a study into disabled actors, Raynor and Hayward (2007) discuss how disabled actors work is restricted to disabled character roles and suggest their struggle to find work is partly due to able-bodies actors being cast in those roles. Marks (1999) suggests the reason for not employing disabled people is that it is reassuring for the viewer to know that its only pretend' (p. 160). In Whats Eating Gilbert Grape the audience knows Leonardo Di Caprio is not really disabled, he presents as non-threatening and comforting, perhaps allowing the audience to relieve fears or ignore the reality of disability. Dyers fourth sense of representation questions how the represented image is interpreted by the audience (Harnett, 2000). It refers to how the intended meaning by those who produce the film can be lost or skewed when observed from a different point of view. When Peter Hedges, the writer of Whats Eating Gilbert Grape comments on his wishes for the film he states I would hope that people might view their fellow beings with more empathy, more compassion and a desire to understand (Malony, 2002, p.10). Although an encouraging and optimistic aspiration, the perspective of the film from people with disabilities would certainly be different. The discussion above demonstrates that the representations of disability in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape generates themes of incapability and total dependence on others to survive- Arnie cannot live without Gilbert, and Gilbert is stuck caring for Arnie indefinitely. By analysing the representations of disability presented in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape we can clearly see the negative associations put forward. Livingstone (2004) suggests that as educators we can use such inaccuracies and stereotypical images as assets rather than liabilities (p.119). By studying the ways disabilities are represented in films students can develop awareness of specific disability imagery (Safran, 2000, p.46) and learn about what the causes the stigma and lack of inclusion that haunt the disabled community. Safran (2000) insists when using films in education, it must be done with focused, reflective viewing (p.46) which promotes critical engagement, helping students question the cultural ideals created by the prevailing constructions offered in film (Arndt, 2010). An appropriate educational setting for the use of analysing Whats Eating Gilbert Grape would be in high school. Feldman states (cited in Arndt, 2010) that high school students are able to think beyond the concrete, current situation to what might or could be. Specifically, an effective starting point of a critical analysis with students would involve the deconstruction (Safran, 1998) of Arnies character, identifying the stereotypes portrayed and exploring correct representations of developmental disability. The reaction of the community to Arnie and his disability would also be beneficial to examine. Students would explore how the community views Arnie and what attitudes would be more appropriate to promote acceptance and inclusion. Using films to teach are effective because they are a highly motivational (Brown, 2005; Chellew, 2000) due to their entertainment factor. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is a popular film with popular actors, and would interest high school aged students. Despite its portrayal of recognised negative stereotypes of disability Safran (1998) admits, it can still be useful in the classroom. The acknowledgment of such stereotypes and prejudices against people with disabilities will help students unlearn (Connor Bejoian, 2006, p. 59) the perceptions and attitudes which justify the differential treatment of a minority group. Through looking at our media, particularly film, it is essential for us to reshape pre-existing views (Chellew, 2000, p. 28) by breaking down the robust ideological attitudes of disability that continue to restrict, inhibit and exclude.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Emerson and Thoreau Represent American Identity Essay -- Comapare and

Compare and contrast the way in which Emerson and Thoreau represent American Identity. â€Å"Identity means who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different from others,† (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Third Edition). Every individual, group and country has their own identity which makes them different from others and it shows uniqueness of oneself. Reaction against the existing philosophy takes place when there is conflict in interest amongst the philosophers. It was from the late eighteenth century until mid nineteenth century that the philosophical and literary movement (Transcendental Movement) took place in America as a result of extreme rationalism of the enlightenment. â€Å"Transcendentalism, an idealist philosophical tendency among writers in and around Boston in the mid-19th century. Growing out of Christian Unitarianism in the 1830s under the influence of German and British Romanticism, transcendentalism affirmed Kant’s principle of intuitive knowledge not derived from the senses, while rejecti ng organized religion for an extremely individualistic celebration of the divinity in each human being† (Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms, p. 262). Thus, being the transcendentalists, both Emerson and Thoreau represented American Identity by influencing American to participate in the construction of American identity through their writings and actions. Therefore, this essay will compare and contrast the way in which Emerson and Thoreau represented American Identity; firstly it will argue Emerson’s influence on the American scholars to create American Identity through creation of an intellectual scholars, which was unique and free from European influence and secondly it will discuss th... ... really awakened the people and society on the whole to work on creating and establishing the real American identity. â€Å"The American Dream, the belief that everyone in the US has the chance to be successful, rich and happy if they work hard,† (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Third Edition). Emerson and Thoreau are the men who made the American Dream come true in New England in the 1830s and continued through the 1840s and 1850s, but the energy that had earlier made Transcendentalism a unique movement to create American Identity had subsided for several reasons. Works Cited Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Third Edition. Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms by Chris Baldick. The American Scholar by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Walden by Henry David Thoreau. The Bedford Anthology of American Literature by Susan Belasco and Linck Johnson.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Subject of War in Poetry from Different Time Periods Essay

The Subject of War in Poetry from Different Time Periods Dulce e Decorum est by Wilfred Owen, Suicide In the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson. From studying the selection of texts (Poetry and Prose) what have you learnt about the different way writers from different periods deal with the subject of war. The three poems that I have chosen to talk about are â€Å"Dulce e Decorum est† by Wilfred Owen, â€Å"Suicide In the Trenches† by Siegfried Sassoon and â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade† by Alfred Tennyson. I will look at the three poems different opinions on war and how they compare and contrast from each other. I will also take into account the way the poets background may of affected there views. The poets come from a close time period but with different views â€Å" Suicide In The Trenches† and Dulce e Decorum est† are from the World War One era and â€Å"The Charge of The Light Brigade† form the Crimean War.. Alfred Tennyson, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen all come from different backgrounds which alters the way they write, and the way they put there opinions across. Tennyson was a rich, public school student, proud of Britain’s conquests around the world but never fought himself, so had no first person experience of fighting. Owen contrasts to this as he didn’t have a lot of riches and was no more then a common soldier. Sassoon was an army officer but still was quit rich and never got the full taste of trench warfare during World War One. This shows straight away that the three writers were all brought up with different views and backgrounds which would definitely affect the way they write. The way that Tennyson writes, is the way a man who has never ... ... The Crimean War didn’t change history, but still Britain suffered a terrible loss of men. Tennyson and the rest of Britain was not used to this, so Tennyson wrote about the subject of war in a very positive way. Owen and Sassoon experienced the great war and saw the terrible losses first hand. They instead of showing how Britain was doing well, they wrote about how people were dying innocently. In the period Owen and Sassoon were writing in, Britain faced an uncertain future and Owens and Sassoon’s poem complement this aspect of life. They both try to get across the truth and reality in there poems. The World War One period made writers like Sassoon and Owen write in this style. Unlike Tennyson they put across all the negative aspects and stuck close to the point. Although Britain won World War One writers from this period wrote in a negative manner. The Subject of War in Poetry from Different Time Periods Essay The Subject of War in Poetry from Different Time Periods Dulce e Decorum est by Wilfred Owen, Suicide In the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson. From studying the selection of texts (Poetry and Prose) what have you learnt about the different way writers from different periods deal with the subject of war. The three poems that I have chosen to talk about are â€Å"Dulce e Decorum est† by Wilfred Owen, â€Å"Suicide In the Trenches† by Siegfried Sassoon and â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade† by Alfred Tennyson. I will look at the three poems different opinions on war and how they compare and contrast from each other. I will also take into account the way the poets background may of affected there views. The poets come from a close time period but with different views â€Å" Suicide In The Trenches† and Dulce e Decorum est† are from the World War One era and â€Å"The Charge of The Light Brigade† form the Crimean War.. Alfred Tennyson, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen all come from different backgrounds which alters the way they write, and the way they put there opinions across. Tennyson was a rich, public school student, proud of Britain’s conquests around the world but never fought himself, so had no first person experience of fighting. Owen contrasts to this as he didn’t have a lot of riches and was no more then a common soldier. Sassoon was an army officer but still was quit rich and never got the full taste of trench warfare during World War One. This shows straight away that the three writers were all brought up with different views and backgrounds which would definitely affect the way they write. The way that Tennyson writes, is the way a man who has never ... ... The Crimean War didn’t change history, but still Britain suffered a terrible loss of men. Tennyson and the rest of Britain was not used to this, so Tennyson wrote about the subject of war in a very positive way. Owen and Sassoon experienced the great war and saw the terrible losses first hand. They instead of showing how Britain was doing well, they wrote about how people were dying innocently. In the period Owen and Sassoon were writing in, Britain faced an uncertain future and Owens and Sassoon’s poem complement this aspect of life. They both try to get across the truth and reality in there poems. The World War One period made writers like Sassoon and Owen write in this style. Unlike Tennyson they put across all the negative aspects and stuck close to the point. Although Britain won World War One writers from this period wrote in a negative manner.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Child Victims of Domestic Violence

Family today are unfortunately less as a fundamental unit of a healthy society. † Almost all countries in the world are faced with the inability to determine the number of victims of kriminalitetot, and especially when such women. According to UN studies, women are the most frequent victims of sexual violence (50%) attacks of personality (10%) and other attacks on property (10%). For nasilonichkiot kriminalitet family largely lacks impartial witnesses of cases. Efforts made this situation be resolved by reference to the assistance of the closest relatives and friends, and the reference to state institutions is much less common and more severe cases. Victims of such violence are the weakest members of the family. And while pedesttite and shesettite years that children were in the seventies women, but in the eighties were elderly. Nasilnichkite wrongdoing within the family are found very difficult and rare. Conflicts rarely come to light because of fear of revenge nasilnikot, shame on the environment and the desire to maintain good idea for your own marriage, but economic dependence on her husband. Domestic violence is one of preovladuvachkite criminal behavior in more societies and brings razoruvachki implications for the primary victim, a woman, and in terms of the second victim children. In most countries worldwide domestic violence loan sizes to a problem of social character primareno. Domestic violence as a problem affecting the economic and overall development of society and is the result of historical zasnovanata disadvantaged men and women in which it is located in the subordinate position to men. International law to protect children's rights Committee on Protection of Children is an independent body composed of experts who carry out monitoring of potisnichki Parties to the Convention on the proper application of the same, and its two Protocols – the articipation of children in armed conflicts and trafficking of children, child prostitution and pornography . Committee their reports to be summarized by the States Parties that have ratified the Convention and its Protocols. Taken by the UN Convention is a powerful tool for the state to protect the rights of children who have already declared as such. With the signature of this Convention, countries bound themselves to make available all the means at their disposal in the interests of children. Basically â€Å"o† of the Convention is that all children have equal rights to exercise their needs, regardless of where in the world. International Association for the Prevention of abuse of children and their neglect (ISPCAN), announced its release of â€Å"World view on child abuse. This publication gives a full picture of statistics policy abuse separately in approximately 70 countries worldwide. According to statistics published study that 82% of respondents said that their countries have proÃ'Ëœaveno significantly large number of cases in which child abuse occurs. Most of the measures taken by countries to protect children from violence, provide for punitive action against those who abuse children and action to remove the child from the middle and family, which has been exposed to such activities unwashed. Despite the low level of qualifications of persons providing services for the protection of such victims, it is likely that countries will be forced to seek new ways and strategies to protect children from this type of crime, it is necessary to avoid consequences that remain with the child who was subjected to a similar event for a longer period. Consequences for the child's personality Why do I say that violence has major implications for the further development of the overall personality of a child, studies show that most of the women's children had witnessed violence, making their mothers during the period when they are helpless children and could not understand kriminalitetot in action when their Michael is physically abused by their father or father, although the event of a child growing up in his subconscious with him over the years, its objective nedozvoluvaÃ'ËœÃ'Å"i to think and analyze the environment in which e lives. What is interesting in the course of events is that victims of such violence reported cases many years after having become or ceased to continue bullying on their body and psyche, but very rarely happens to explain why they waited much time to record such crimes. As one of the reasons is considered bespomoshnosta of children in these moments, and lack of support from another family member. Often, over the development of children to identify with their parents and be able to adopt a model of behavior in their future family, which means the application of aggressive response to conflict situations. Such a view would mean that if the father was abusive, who abused her child, it is likely that child will become violent if faced with the same conditions in which he lived until he was small. When children in the middle of a people who carried out torture, it inevitably affects the child, even indirectly. Comprehensive review of psiholoshkoto impact of violence against children and full guidelines for conducting assessment of children who have been subjected to violence can not be extended, but can summarize some brief points: First, when there is suspicion that a child has been subjected to violence or witnessed it, the person who will examine the child and must ensure that child to be surrounded by people who will provide security and protection. The physician should keep in mind that all children do not exhibit the same feelings in terms of what they have undergone, and any other traumatic experience. The extent to which children are able to verbaliziraat thoughts and emotion depends on the age of the child and its development level. And the developing characteristics of society, family dynamics and cultural norms. Mnnogu is important if it is found that child sexual abuse to be examined by a specialist review, which will probably be traumalen child needs to be done by a physician experienced in interpretirtaÃ'Å¡e conclusions is also important, the physician should know that the review can be a reminder of nasranot of the child, it is possible and expected child during the review to react spontaneously. Adolescence is a turbulent period D, the effects of violence can cause profound changes SAI personality of adolescents, which will lead to antisotsiÃ'Ëœalno behavior experts in this field argue that child during his life may have symptoms of redozhivuvaÃ'Å¡e Event / e the past. Which may manifest as visual memories of the event – nightmares, social withdrawal, limiting afektot, changes in fear, uncertainty, self-esteem and confidence as the environment, sleep disorders, plashaÃ'Å¡e to go to bed, fear of strangers .. . Conclusion How that can be seen above that, research on child abuse are quite large and attention is made to analyze all types of child abuse and how to detect domestic violence, reasons induce the same as protecting children from those conditions that are forced to live. What unfortunately is not done, is full implementation of conventions and other instruments adopted by NGOs and other international bodies involved in combating this new type kriminalitet whose target groups are precisely those children who have yet to begin develop its entirety in the community. Although there are still some differences in the implementation of child protection in the States, however, I must say that they take steps to eradicate conflicts that are born in the family. Again I say that it is a sensitive issue in terms of that family is a community in which its members are entitled to enjoy family life and discretion; exception to this law is state intervention in times when those same users abusing that right. Despite differences in definitions of domestic violence as it includes child abuse in the same naÃ'Ëœraznovidnata and methodology experts are used in collecting statistical data on children, but today the world is still a large number of children who are subjected to sexual violence within the family, but their case has not yet been discovered; sekoÃ'Ëœdnevo media chiteme found for shocking events where children were zloupotrebuvani their parents, but for various reasons are unable to say.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Final Teen Pregnancy College Essay Essay

There are many short phrases that can impact a person’s life from â€Å"will you marry me† to â€Å"I love you† all the way down to â€Å"I’m pregnant† but when you’re a teenager hearing the last phrase is something that will change your life in a scary and shocking way. Nearly one million teen girls experience this shock each year when they come to find that their pregnancy test is positive. In our society today teenage pregnancy isn’t just a problem but an epidemic. Unfortunately I have seen all stages of the situation unfold recently when my best friend who is almost like a sister to me found out she was having a baby. At the age of seventeen a normal teenage girl is deciding what dress to wear to prom or where they want to apply for their first job. But for my best friend Anna the first big decision she got to make was whether she should keep her baby or not. This choice lead her into a deep depression as different people in her life pressured her to make different choices. While her close friends told her to keep the baby the father of her baby and his family wanted her to abort it. After a long month of fighting over what to do she chose the baby’s life over the â€Å"love† of her boyfriend who ended up leaving after finding out she was not going to get an abortion. Sadly enough she is not the only one who has experienced this, unfortunately more than half of girls who become pregnant in their teens have to go down this path alone without the father of the baby in the picture. It is apparent that becoming pregnant changed Anna’s life and her future as a whole. This happens to every teen mom weather they decide to keep the baby, get an abortion, or give their baby up for adoption their life is still changed forever. Theses girls went from a life where their parents made decisions for them to a life where they have to make parental decisions themselves. Overall teenage pregnancy is a social issue because it affects many aspects of life like economic wellbeing, the mother’s wellbeing, and the child’s wellbeing. If teenage pregnancy were reduced all of these problems would be reduced as well. Each year the United States is spending around eleven billion dollars as an affect of teen pregnancy. The US has to spend this much money because eighty percent of teen moms are on welfare. Economic wellbeing contributes to the reasons so many teen moms have to be  supported by the government. At such a young age these teens can not meet the demand for education in the job world while still caring for their new born. The national campaign sites that almost ninety percent of teens who did not get pregnant finish high school where as only fifty percent of teen moms get a high school diploma. The children of these mothers end up being affected by their mother’s struggles. From conception odds are against these children to succeed. At birth a teen mothers baby is at risk of low birth rate and infant mortality. Once the child gets passed these odds they have to deal with the struggles of being less prepared when they enter kindergarten because their mothers are less experienced on how to prepare their child. In later life sons of teen mothers are two times more likely to end up in prison than sons born to mothers over the age of twenty-one, this may be because of the absence of a father figure in their lives. Studies have also concluded that daughters of teen mothers are three times more likely to have a baby in their teens. Teen pregnancies disturb our society today by using our tax dollars and affecting the success of our future generation. Not only is teenage pregnancy seen at school and in other public places it is also all over the television. Some say that the popular television shows sixteen and Pregnant glamorizes teen pregnancy and I would have to agree. Why should girls get rewarded for becoming pregnant as a teen and even become famous because of it? The answer is that they shouldn’t but in our world today sadly these girls hardships our becoming our generations entertainment. But it is not much of a loss to them as they are being paid a â€Å"reported $60,000 per season† according to OK magazine. Many teens who see the show sixteen and pregnant or see other pregnant teens think that it will never happen to them. The fact of the matter is that my best friend was one of those people. Teenage pregnancy is not an issue that is going away in our society. Preventing teenage pregnancy will not only help our countries teenagers to have a more successful life but it will also help the children that will be our countries future to have a better life. The United States needs to stop putting this problem on the back burner and accepting it as â€Å"normal† and start to take action. In the world today the United States has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates doubling that Canada and five times the rate of Japan. American teens that are sexually active are becoming more and more careless. Some suggest that these teens become pregnant because of  the lack of education or lack of positive parental influences in teens lives. I think some teens just become so consumed with how â€Å"in love† they feel that they are with their boyfriend or girlfriend that they forget the consequences of their actions. America as a whole needs to find better ways to control teen pregnancy weather it be through education of the consequences or education of birth control. Because the true fact of the matter is that pre marital sex leads to broken homes, high school dropouts, and tough financial situations. These teens our still children themselves and should not make a decision that leaves them with the responsibility of another child’s life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dickens reveals Essay

Dickens reveals the extent of Pips moral decline when Joe comes to see him: Pip is far more arrogant and condescending. He hires a servant to announce Joe’s coming and dress himself up as well. He greets Joe with â€Å"Joe, how are you Joe? † very haughtily because Joe repeats it as Pip said it – â€Å"Pip, how AIR you Pip? † Joe is completely thrown and does not know how to react to the furnishings, decor, clothes and aura that Pip obviously thinks a gentleman should have. Pip regards Joe’s table manners with great disdain and embarrassment in front of Herbert as Joe â€Å"sat so far from the table, and dropped so much more than he ate, and pretended that he hadn’t dropped it† Dickens is showing how egotistical Pip has become because it wasn’t so long ago that he had exactly the same manners. Pip feels â€Å"impatient of him and out of temper with him. † Joe also notices Pip’s change and is aware of the gulf that is growing between them, Joe knows he’s â€Å"wrong in these clothes†¦ out of the forge†¦ the kitchen, or of th’marshes. † Joe doesn’t belong in Pip’s clothes in the same way that Pip doesn’t belong in his old world. By this time Pip is at the height of his self-important, arrogant, smug life. In Chapter 34 Dickens presents the start of Pip’s gradual moral recovery, although this is slow to begin as Pip and Herbert join the Finches of the Grove, a very expensive gentleman’s club who dined luxuriously and â€Å"spent a lot of money as we could, and got as little for it as people could make their minds up to give us†. They had no purpose apart from self gratification. Pip finally understands as he gets more and more into debt the effect this is having on Herbert: â€Å"My lavish habits led his easy nature into expenses he could not afford, corrupted the simplicity of his life and disturbed his peace with anxieties and regrets† As Pip grows accustomed to his great expectations he’s not comfortable and battles with his conscience over actions and feelings towards Joe and Biddy; he becomes wistful for his old life and thinks: â€Å"With a weariness on my spirit, that if I should have been happier and better if I had never seen Miss Havisham’s face, and had risen to manhood content to be partners with Joe in the honest old forge† He yearns for the forge fire instead of his fire in his gentlemanly residence, and wants Joe and his old life back although does little to achieve this. In contrast Dickens himself did not inherit his wealth but publicly strived and worked hard to achieve his goals, in fact one of the factors of his death was over working and so possibly didn’t approve of the idle rich’s lavish lives and spending. Dickens uses Magwitch’s revelation and Pip’s reaction to show Pip’s moral degeneration. When Pip first discovers that his benefactor is not Miss Havisham but Magwitch the convict he is aghast, he â€Å"seemed to be suffocating† such was the â€Å"abhorrence† of him and â€Å"the repugnance with which I shrank from him. † Pip has to swallow the bitter pill that his rise to the status of gentleman was caused by someone so low in society, and that cost him his relationship with Joe. He feels guilty and full of shame, but maybe if Pip was less concerned about his social status he would have been more sympathetic to the habits and needs of Magwitch. However, the convict holds power over Pip because Magwitch is his benefactor, its Magwitch’s money that has funded Pip’s life of comfort and luxury and Pip has become totally dependant on that money and in turn on the convict: â€Å"I began fully to know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I sailed was gone to pieces. † In Pip’s conversation with Herbert, following the revelation by Magwitch, Pip displays the growing awareness of his failings: â€Å"I am heavily in debt, very heavily for me, who have now no expectations and I have been bred to no calling, and I am fit for nothing. † Pip’s attitude now changes to Miss Havisham when he learns that she is no longer his benefactor and that she has hurt him on purpose in her attempt to antagonise her relatives. He becomes direct in talking to Miss Havisham and wants to know the truth and is quite confrontational – â€Å"when I fell into the mistake I have so long remained in, at least you led me on? † He questions Miss Havisham pushing her to admit that she deceived him and we now see that he is willing to stand up for what he believes and not be just a passive victim. Estella reports to him that she will be married to Drummle, Pip’s enemy, and at first he is grief-stricken but then he becomes earnest and selfless (the moral qualities of a gentleman) putting her happiness before his own, and pleading with her that she marry someone worthy of her, but not Drummle. Finally he blessed her in which ever path she takes and this is very thoughtful and generous of him, he asks her â€Å"don’t take him, and I can bear it better, for your sake. † Pip discovers that Molly is Estella’s mother and Magwitch is he father so it is ironic that her background is very similar in status to the life he was tempted away from. Despite the breeding of Estella and Miss Havisham they both chose in Drummle and Compeyson to marry men with none of the moral qualities that a gentleman should have. Pip is so concerned for Magwitch that he and his companions put together an escape plan, Pip’s willingness to do anything to save his friend who has â€Å"changed and softened† as much as Pip has is very clear and yet another attribute of a gentleman that Pip has gained. The reality of their situation is very obvious to Pip and â€Å"I thought of the night of his return when our places were reversed, and when I little supposed my heart could ever be as heavy and anxious at parting from him as it was now† All Pip’s repugnance of Magwitch has gone and in its place is love, care and compassion for a friend and father figure, virtues not apparent when Pip was rich with wealth but not morals. He stays with Magwitch after they are caught instead of trying to separate himself from the criminal character which used to disturb him so much at the height of his expectations. â€Å"In holding the hand that he stretched forth to me†, despite Magwitch’s request for Pip to disassociate with him at the trial, Pip shows his true morals by vowing to stay by his side. Pip publicly displays his support to his friend and doesn’t care who sees it or who doesn’t; all that matters to him is Magwitch. While caring for the sick convict in prison Pip waits out side before visiting hours and is allowed, by the guards, to stay after hours with Magwitch, which shows that event the guards who don’t know Pip, are touched by his behaviour. After Magwitch’s death Pip falls ill from the stress and Dickens uses the imagery of the fever burning away any snobbery and negative areas of gentlemanliness that hasn’t been removed already; this is a real push forward in Pips moral recuperation. He refers to Joe, who is caring for him, as â€Å"a gentle Christian man† and this implies what Dickens thought a gentleman should be: a man with Christian standards and morals at his centre. Pip is so overwhelmed by Joe’s kindness and feeling that he doesn’t deserve to have it, he demands that Joe: â€Å"look angry at me. Strike me, Joe, tell me of my ingratitude. Don’t be so good to me. † When Pip is well again he travels back to the marshes to marry Biddy, but he finds Joe and Biddy happy on their wedding day. He is happy for them instead of angry or depressed and is relieved that he never mentioned proposing to Biddy to Joe. Dickens uses Pip’s reaction to Joe and Biddy’s wedding day to portray the extent of Pip’s moral growth. This further reinforced Pip’s selflessness and there fore even more personal moral improvement. In my opinion Dickens wanted to Pip to continue moving forwards with and his new life with Herbert, his job in the east instead of moving backwards to the marshes and forge after his hard-learnt transition. At the end of the novel Pip has a new sense of purpose in his new life with Herbert and a new job, his values now are genuine and honest. When Pip comes back to the forge eleven years on he finds that Joe and Biddy have had a son who is called Pip after him, underlining that Pip has turned onto a well respected gentleman in the moral sense. Big Pip takes Little Pip to the church yard and this is exactly the same turn of events that Big Pip experienced all those years ago. It symbolises a new beginning for Little Pip and that Big Pip will take the place of Magwitch as a guardian angel and second father to Little Pip just like Magwitch was to him. It is ironic that at the start of the novel that Pip was repulsed by the convict but now at the end of the novel he loves him and is taking on Magwitch’s role and persona. Dickens again presents the image of Satis house has being torn down to symbolise the end of Pips moral diversity. Dickens uses the ivy as a symbol of Pip’s new start in the east and his reassessed morals. Like the ivy, Pip â€Å"had struck root anew and was growing green on low quiet mounds of ruin† Another new beginning is Pip being reunited with Estella, in the previous era she was untouchable even with Pip’s money and luxurious life, but now Estella has understood that being a gentleman is not all about money but about the good morals and experience that Pip has developed through out the novel. I feel that at the end Pip is a real gentleman, but in today’s standards, he values love, friendship, sincerity and kindness more than social status, he is living a life of his own making and that he earns honestly. He was only a gentleman in Victorian, upper-class eyes when he had great wealth and expensive habits and didn’t necessarily have any standards. This gives us an indication that although Dickens was a Victorian he thought that a gentleman should be like the later Pip and he presents and demonstrates this view by the way he presents Pip’s moral development during the novel in the relations between Pip, Joe, and Magwitch.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hate Crimes Essay

The subject of hate crimes has to the highest degree had an affect on the way in which people socialize with each other on a regular basis. The basic definition of a hate crime is just about any act of violent behavior or vocal laceration of a human being simply on the basis of his or her race, spiritual belief, or his or her sexuality. A vast number of other bases that have an influence on hate crime have been introduced which are dependants upon guiding principle in written laws. The problem of abhorrence has absolutely overwhelmed every single one of us with queries and wished-for responses on how and why a number of of these blasphemous acts have taken place in front of the entire world. It is usually believed by people that the hate is not endorsed but erudite by means of the background of a person in particular environments. Several other factors are believed to be stirring this emotion as well. These are inclusive of the placement of a person in society, devout practices, and antagonism in the business ways. Analysis Violent behavior aggravated by a partiality in opposition to victims’ distinctiveness which are inclusive of race, faith, cultural background, nationalized basis, sexual category, or sexual orientation, are problems that have posed an issue to the entire community. The Federal law has defined a hate crime as at whatever time a fatality is assaulted on the foundation of his or her race, civilization, religious conviction, sexual orientation, or sexual characteristics; hate wrongdoings are made in opposition to constituents of a meticulous group basically due to their association to that group. Statistics show to us that at a time when in one year about nine thousand one hundred hate crimes took place, â€Å"a review of the data by incident showed that all but 4 of the incidents were classified as single-bias (involving only one bias motivation). A breakdown of the single-bias incidents by the type of bias revealed that 51. 4 percent were motivated by racial bigotry, 17. 9 percent were caused by religious intolerance, 16. 6 percent were the result of a sexual-orientation bias, and 13. 7 percent were triggered by an ethnicity/national origin bias. The remainder involved a bias against a disability. † (FBI Releases, 2004). There is no guarantee that hate crimes can ever be stopped. But there are certain steps that can be taken so as to stop such heinous crimes from taking place. First of all, the Federal Laws need to be adjusted as they do not take in sexual orientation as a hate crime. What else is that The Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) should be made tougher with stronger punishments so that people would be scared of the law (Hate Crimes, 2006). Another very important aspect is that every single hate crime must be reported to the higher authorities as if the sufferer does not speak up when the crime has taken place, the offender just might be able to strike back at him or her or perhaps someone who belongs to the sufferers’ base of being attacked. Criminal justice administrators and state policy makers should come to become conscious that it is necessary to create or regulate hate crime legislation. This is an issue that has undergone much debate since a long time. The answer to resolving the ever-growing predicament of hate crimes is additional hate crime legislation. Conclusion The word â€Å"Hate Crime† is perhaps a rather expansive term that holds the basic meaning that hate crime is any offense where the executors’ narrow-mindedness in opposition to an individual collection of people is a feature in having an influence upon who would be the victim. These can be inclusive of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc. the profile of a hate crime offender can vary at all times as they usually appear to be innocent people. The rules against hate crimes need to be stricter so as to help decrease the crime.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Attitudes Towards Minorities With Mental Illness Social Work Essay

Attitudes Towards Minorities With Mental Illness Social Work Essay Members of ethnic minority groups are faced with several barriers that prevent them from adequately participating in treatment for mental illness. Mental illnesses are commonly overlooked and untreated due to the negative connotations that surround them. Minorities with lower socioeconomic status frequently have poor physical health, which creates vulnerability to mental illness pooled with a lack of affordable treatment and accessible resources. Stigma along with various beliefs and attitudes generates discrimination and social distancing behaviors towards persons with mental illness, as a result of the direct affects of ignorance, negative attitudes, and common beliefs. This often results in discrepancy and underutilization of service amongst minority populations. Mental Illness is a disorder of the brain that affects a person’s mood, thinking and behavior (Cohen 2002, NIMH). Mental disorders are all around us, however, in many cases some are overlooked. According to the Na tional Institute of Mental Health an estimated 26.2 percent of Americans, ages 18 and older, suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder each year; an estimated 45 percent of those with any diagnosable mental disorder meet criteria for 2 or more disorders (NIMH 2010). Serious mental illnesses interrupt a person’s ability to carry out essential aspects of daily life. There are several different types of mental illnesses some of which are more severe than others, however, the most common disorders are depression, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, bipolar disorders, phobias, eating disorders, substance abuse, dementia, and schizophrenia (Kobau 2008). Causes of mental illness range from inherited traits and genetics to biological, environmental and social cultural factors to life experiences, such as excessive stress. When mental illnesses are left untreated, it can cause emotional, physical and behavioral health problems (Cohen, 2002; Whitley, 2010). However, due to stigmas and va rious negative connotations surrounding mental illness people often try to reject, ignore or self medicate the illness in a state of denial (Cohen, 2002). Moreover, poverty is an important moderator of the correlation between serious mental illness and social problems (Draine, 2002). African Americans as well as minorities are more prone to suffer from significant and persistent disparities within the mental health system (Whitley, 2010). This research paper will examine racial differences of both men and women suffering from common mental illness disorders and their usage of mental health services associated with stigmas. Minorities suffering from mental illness are often less likely to access service from a mental health professional, and will more often receive poor quality care or drop out upon admittance (Whitley, 2010). Stigma and Discrimination The term stigma originally derives from the ancient Greek practice where criminals were branded, leaving them with a mark referred to as a stigma that allowed them to be easily identified (Gibson 2008). Persons with a stigma were usually rejected from society, viewed as outcast, and devalued by society similar to persons suffering from mental illness. Due to the stigma attached to persons tormented by mental illness, it forms a lack of personal contact with persons suffering from these disorders; resulting in a lack of knowledge, which in turn leads to prejudices, negative attitudes and stereotypes towards them (Alegria 2002, Guimà ³n 2010). Stigmatization of persons suffering with mental illness stems from socio-cultural, ethnic, religious, and economic factors (Guimà ³n, 2010). Stereotype-based negative attitudes and prejudices towards mental illness develop early in life, originating from cultural, historical and media depictions (Sartorius Bauman, 2007; Guimà ³n 2010).